Monday, 16 February 2015

New Local Taxation Apprentices - Liz and Will.

Liz Moore, 28 and Will Kemp, 19 are now fully underway with their Local Taxation Apprenticeship with Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC). 

The pair started their apprenticeship in November 2014 and will finish April 2016. 

Our Background

Liz: "Before my apprenticeship I was working in Brazil as an English Teacher, I then went on to work with Health Management Companies in Australia and England, after this I worked at EDF Energy in Portslade."

Will: "After I finished college I didn't know what to do, so I ended up working in Tesco for a year. I wanted to move on and learn and new trade while getting paid, so I decided to go for an apprenticeship."

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Planning the Apprentice Roadshow & Graduation Ceremony

The apprentice ambassadors have been planning an Apprentice Roadshow and Graduation Ceremony for Friday 13 March 2015, during National Apprenticeship Week. 

The Roadshow is for all apprentices at Brighton & Hove City Council, offering the opportunity to network, listen to guest speakers and join in group activities.  

Rachel Maddison, Ellie Bacon & Kelly Butler

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Life of an Apprentice - Short Film

The apprentice ambassadors have been working with apprentices from Brighton based digital media company SeeThat who are in partnership with Creative Process to put together a promotional film about apprenticeships.    

All of the apprentices in the film work within Brighton & Hove City Council.

The film will be shown in schools, at local Job Centres and events across the city held by the apprentice ambassadors to raise awareness of apprenticeships both at the council and in general as a learning pathway.

                   Apprentices at Brighton & Hove City Council from SeeThat on Vimeo.

Our apprentice graduate, Lucy Strutt

Lucy Strutt

Lucy is one of our apprentice ambassadors and has been carrying out her Human Recourses (HR) apprenticeship with Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) for 15 months.

Lucy graduated her apprentice on the 2 February 2015 with a level 5 Diploma in HR Management, which is the equivalent to a foundation degree at university. 

Lucy described her apprenticeship as an “amazing experience” and has landed herself a new job, starting on the 16 February 2015. The job is with an Occupational Health Company as an HR Administrator. Lucy said: "My apprenticeship is to thank for this." 

Ellie Bacon & Lucy Strutt

Monday, 2 February 2015

Six 1 hour sessions for Year 8 pupils at Varndean High School - Wednesday 28 January

Rosie O'Connor
On Wednesday 28 January two of our ambassadors, Rosie and Jamie spent a day at Varndean High School visiting six Year 8 classes.

The aim was to provide the students with an overview of their options post-school, with a focus on apprenticeships.

The ambassadors filled each hour-long session with team-building exercises and educational games, designed to get everyone thinking about different learning styles and how they connect with different aspects of college, sixth form, university and apprenticeships.

Rosie, Apprentice Ambassador and Cultural Apprentice, said: “On the whole the students were really engaged and we had lots of interesting discussions about what life is like after school.
Jamie McFadden

“One emerging theme in these sessions is that it’s very important to be able to chat with the students in small groups, as that seems to be how they are most comfortable talking about their aspirations, and taking advice."

This was the ambassadors first time working with this age group, and the general response was very encouraging. The students now have an understanding about how an apprenticeship could suit their learning style, without already being totally fixed on following the crowds to college or university.

Good work team and thanks to Varndean School for having us.