Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Varndean College, year 12 ‘Moving on day’

Hannah, Jamie and Rachel
Ambassdors Jamie and Rachel, along with new ambassador Hannah, went to Varndean College to run two sessions on Apprenticeships for first year students.

The ambassadors started the sessions by sharing their personal experiences and explained some of the basics about apprenticeships, how to apply for them online as well as an interactive true or false quiz aimed at busting some of the myths surrounding apprenticeships. 

They also got the students invoved by sitting down with them in groups to discus their career goals and answer any queries.

New apprentice ambassador, Hannah Cydnie, said: "I found the experience great and to see how many young people are interested in apprenticeships is brilliant. I am looking forward to doing more events to spread the word on apprenticeships and give people more knowledge about them.”

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Meet the new Apprentice Ambassadors

The apprentice ambassadors have re-launched this year with new recruits and are gearing up to visit the Job Centre, schools and colleges across the city.                                                            

The new apprentices have joined the existing team, making total of seven ambassadors, all of which are apprentices at Brighton & Hove City Council, covering a range of different sectors from the Register Office, Adult Social Care to Media and Communications and are all undertaking a nationally recognised qualification from level 2, advanced level 3 to higher level 5.

Since starting in June 2014, the ambassadors have reached 1,705 young people and 200 parents across Brighton & Hove.

The ambassadors were brought together by Brighton & Hove City Education and Inclusion department, to promote the importance and availability of apprenticeships to young people and parents/carers, giving them the chance to find out about other career options. 

Councillor Tom Bewick, Chair of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, said: “One of the biggest difficulties for young people is getting their foot in the door entering the job market for the first time and break the cycle of no experience.
“The apprentice ambassadors are not only representing themselves but the council and it is extremely important that we continue to provide this resource to young people across the city to create the awareness of other opportunities that are available to them.”

Kelly Butler, former Human Resourses Apprentice and Ambassador, said: “I have secured myself a full-time job with Human Resourses Workforce Development team as an Administrator at Brighton & Hove City Council.

“Being an Apprentice Ambassador was a great experience and helped me to develop new skills which then led to permanent employment at the council. Being an apprentice ambassador was definitely a contributing factor to getting the job as I gained such valuable experience, knowledge and skills from being part of the team.”