Tuesday, 22 March 2016

New Apprentice

Stephanie Baker

Apprenticeship: Standards & Achievement Administrator for the Post 16 Development Team
Qualification: Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration 

Why did you choose an apprenticeship?
I wanted to gain a qualification whilst building on the experience I gained volunteering for the Youth Employability Service. 

Where do you go to college?
My course is run by City College but I complete my work in the workplace.

After leaving school I went to Sussex Downs College in Eastbourne. After being there for a term I found that it wasn't the right kind of learning environment for me so I left. I then took a short course with the Youth Employability Service (YES) and stayed there for a year doing admin and assisting with the young people's group on a voluntary basis. YES then supported me in finding and applying for this apprenticeship.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Planning the Apprentice Roadshow & Graduation

Ambassadors preparing for the roadshow
Brighton & Hove City Council’s Apprentice Roadshow and Graduation Ceremony is back after the success of last year’s event.

The council’s Apprentice Ambassadors will be hosting the roadshow in Brighton Town Hall’s Council Chamber and Ante-room on Friday 18 March.

The event will be opened by Sue Moorman, who will welcome everyone and give an introduction to the day.  There will then be inspirational speakers, presentations, training sessions teaching CV and interview skills, group activities and chances to network.

In the afternoon, Pinaki Ghoshal, Brighton & Hove City Council’s executive director of children’s services, will host the graduation ceremony to celebrate the achievements of all the graduates from the past year.

The ambassadors, who will be managing the day, will be responsible for IT, photography, filming, interviewing and chairing the event.

Theo Duncumb Rogers, communications apprentice and apprentice ambassador, said: “The roadshow is a great idea as it allows all the apprentices from across the council to get together and celebrate each other’s successes.”

“Being an apprentice is a wonderful opportunity and, as an ambassador, it’s great to be able to bring awareness to apprenticeships.”

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Apprentice Vacancies Map

A new live apprentice vacancy map is available on Brighton & Hove City Council’s website and the Apprentice Ambassador's blog.

It gives a clear view of the variety of apprenticeships being offered across the city, ranging from catering and business admin to childcare and personal training.

The vacancies can all be accessed and applied to directly from the map.

The map was created by Luke Sheldon-Edwards, an ICT apprentice at Brighton & Hove City Council.

You can find the map on the council's website or on the ambassador's blog

Apprentice Graduate - Will Kemp

Will Kemp
Local Taxation apprentice, Will Kemp has recently graduated from his apprenticeship with Brighton & Hove City Council and has landed himself with a new job at Lewes District Council as a Revenues and Benefits caseworker.

Will was studying towards a Level 3 IRRV qualification, which he successfully completed. His apprenticeship was done within the office with an assessor who came in at regular intervals to ensure he was completing the work that had been set and could help answer any questions he might have had.

His new job will include answering customer queries and maintaining council tax and benefits accounts.

Will said: "I'm really happy that my time at Brighton & Hove City Council, and passing my qualification, has enabled me to get this job and I would encourage others to go down the apprenticeship route."

Monday, 14 March 2016

National Apprenticeship Week 2016

It’s National Apprenticeship Week and Brighton & Hove City Council apprentices are holding and attending a variety of events.

On the first day of National Apprenticeship Week, the council gained a new apprentice. Stephanie Baker is an apprentice standards and achievement administrator for the Post 16 Development Team and she will be completing a business administration course at City College Brighton & Hove.

Stephanie and Theo Duncumb Rogers, communications apprentice, will be attending the Learning, Skills and Employment Partnership meeting where they will speak to employers about hiring apprentices and the benefits they can provide. They will talk about how they got into their apprenticeships, their experiences as apprentices, and how they are promoting apprenticeships through taking part in the Brathay Apprentice Challenge.

Members of the Brathay Apprentice Challenge team will also be attending the launch of the Greater Brighton Employer Pledge, produced by the Employer Skills Task Force. The Task Force has set the city a target of a minimum of 1,000 new apprenticeships in 1,000 days. The team will be going to network and promote their work for the Brathay Apprentice Challenge to employers and advertise future events the apprentices will be putting on.

The Brighton & Hove City Council apprentice ambassadors will also be putting on a roadshow and graduation for all the apprentices at the council.

The morning will consist of an introduction by Sue Moorman, Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development, inspirational speakers, group activities and training sessions.

In the afternoon there will be a graduation ceremony, hosted by Executive Director Children’s Services, Pinaki Ghoshal, to celebrate the achievements of all the graduate apprentices from the council over the last year. 

There will be representatives from Job Centre Plus, the National Apprenticeship Service, Creative Process, City College Brighton & Hove and many more.

The apprentices will also be getting ready for the careers fair being held by Sussex Chamber of Commerce on Monday 21 March. It will be an opportunity to encourage young people to apply for apprenticeships and also to network with employers and training providers.

Follow the apprentices on twitter @BrightonHoveCC
Find more information about the Brathay Apprentice Challenge here
More information on the 1,000 apprentices in 1,000 days pledge can be found here

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Varndean College Apprenticeship Event

Georgia and Trevor at Varndean College
Our apprentice ambassadors, Georgia Easteal and Trevor Lee attended Varndean College’s Apprenticeship Event yesterday to speak to young people about Brighton & Hove City Council and the apprenticeships they provide.

The event consisted of 23 different employers and training providers from a range of job sectors education, social care, finance, creative and digital media, construction and more.

Trevor and Georgia spent the day speaking to Year 11s and college students about what options there are after they finish their education.

They advised people on apprenticeships, what they involved and where they could lead in the future.

Many students said they were interested in doing an ICT apprenticeship and Trevor, an ICT apprentice himself, was able to explain to them all the different kinds of ICT apprenticeships that the council provided.

Georgia, Sustainable Transport apprentice, said: "There were a lot of people who showed a real interest, and it was great to be able to show them all the pathways that apprenticeships create."

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Brighton & Hove City Council apprentices take on the Brathay Apprentice Challenge

five members of the council's team
A team of nine apprentices from Brighton & Hove City Council will be taking part in the Brathay Apprentice Challenge, the search for the apprentice team of the year in England.

The Brathay Apprentice Challenge involves teams of apprentices from organisations all over England competing to be crowned the apprentice team of the year.

The chosen team members include apprentices from finance, IT, procurement, sustainable transport, communications and an electrician apprentice.

They will have to undertake a series of exciting and interactive work-related challenge to develop new skills and showcase their employer by engaging with young people and businesses to promote the benefits of apprenticeships.

The challenges are designed to ensure that the teams demonstrate their teambuilding, leadership, logistical and communications abilities.

The council apprentices will be organising lots of events such as school visits, meeting with employers and doing a community project over the following months to help them win the Challenge and promote apprenticeships along the way.

Team leader, Trevor Lee, said "I'm very excited to have been chosen to participate in the Brathay Apprentice Challenge. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to really demonstrate our skills and learn new ones, whilst also raising the profile of apprenticeships and creating more opportunities for them throughout our city."

For more information on the Brathay Apprentice Challenge visit: www.brathay.org.uk/challenge