Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Apprentice Gets The Chance To Shadow Councillor

Steph and Councillor Tom Bewick with
apprentices from Creative Process
Post 16 Team apprentice, Steph Baker, recently had the chance to shadow Chair of the children, young people and skills committee, Councillor Tom Bewick.

This was for the Brathay Apprentice Challenge, of which Steph is part of the team for the Brighton & Hove City Council.

Whilst Steph was shadowing Cllr Bewick they went to Creative Process, a training provider for apprenticeships in digital marketing, media and IT.

Cllr Bewick and Steph heard all about the kind of training that is offered and they spoke to some of the apprentices that were there doing coursework for their qualification.

Steph then asked Cllr Bewick about apprentices and how they benefit the council.

He started by saying that the council has around 50 apprentices but he doesn’t think enough young people, around the 18-25 age range, are being represented. He said the number of apprentices at the council is a good start but they should be doing more and “all areas of the council should have an apprentice.”

When asked what apprenticeship he would do, Cllr Bewick said he would be interested in one in advanced engineering, as he isn’t good with his hands and so would like to improve on this.

Finally, Steph asked what advice he would give to someone just starting their apprenticeship and Cllr Bewick said: “Make sure you are getting the most out of the experience. Don’t be afraid to ask for more challenges and training.

“Remember that your opinion is just as valid as anyone else that works there.”

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